Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fontabella Plaza, Guatemala City - July 2016

In Guatemala City, Zona 10, along Calle 13, there's an upscale mall named Fontabella Plaza.  There's a lovely little Italianate fountain in the center (the fonte bella, beautiful fountain).  Collonades, umbrella-ed tables, posh stores and international eateries.  Amazing gelato.  

And wonderful scenes to be sketched.  In my new Faber-Castell sketchbook, with India ink markers, because I just couldn't wait another day to start sketching again.  I'd rather have a mini watercolor set.  Or aquarelle pencils.  

But you know, for an artist, the act of drawing and creating is the end, not the means.  

So this isn't my best-ever sketch.  It would benefit from a color wash.  No apologies, just facts. 

But I'm drawing again.

And that's what matters.

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